For the starty-stoppy, the clotty-clumpy, sudden gushes and mystery flows.
We’re often sold the idea of the perfect 28-day cycle, but our bodies don’t work like that. Between spotting, bleeding, sweating and discharge, the way our bodies and our flows fluctuate is nothing to feel ashamed of. So we’re celebrating our flow for what it is – messy, unpredictable, beautiful, and natural.
Underwear designed for your body
We should be able to put our pants on and happily let our body do its thing. That’s why Bodyform™ period pants are designed to work in sync with your flows, whatever they may be. The built-in absorbent gusset means you can go liner, towel or tampon-free. They provide unrestricted freedom, day or night, whatever you’re up to.
How they should fit you
To ensure the perfect fit, Bodyform™ period pants should be slightly tighter than your regular pants to prevent any unwanted surprises. They’re designed to be snug around the leg to keep everything locked in, so they’re effective but still comfy to wear. Our size guide on the product pages show a comparison to UK dress sizes to help you pick the right size for your body.
The environmental impact of Bodyform™ period pants
Sustainability applies to many areas of our lives, including our decisions around how to work with our cycle. Bodyform™ period pants can be used again and again after washing, which means they offer a more sustainable choice that has 68% less impact on the environment*.
Wear and rewear
Bodyform™ period pants are reusable and designed to be washed, providing a sustainable option during your period. Learn more about how to wash and take care of your period pants so that they can work for you and your flows for many cycles to come.
About Bodyform
As an expert in all fluids and flows, Bodyform knows that feeling comfortable and confident goes hand in hand with feeling ‘fearless’. Because in life, nothing should ever hold you back. We are committed to designing products that give you the confidence to push your boundaries.
Personalise your period
Choosing products like Bodyform™ period pants that work with your body, not against it, means that you can live fearlessly every day – regardless of what’s going on in your pants. And remember you can personalise the way you manage your period to best suit you — whether that be using period pants alone or in combination with other products like towels or liners.
*Bodyform™ period pants reduces the carbon footprint to approximately one third that of a disposable towel and 88% less waste is produced, versus using a pair of underwear and two Ultra Towels (compared to 1 Bodyform Ultra Normal, 1 Bodyform Ultra Night and a panty made out of 50% cotton / 50% nylon).
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