Put perioding thoughts aside and enjoy calm, stress-free nights with no leaks! With Bodyform PJ Pants Overnight, you are free to choose the sleeping position you like – on your side, belly or back.
They will always stay in place. The integrated gusset keeps your V-zone protected all night, thanks to the extended length in the front and back, all the way to the waistband – fluids are quickly wicked away and held in place.
You can forget about your regular pyjama pants during you’re your period and sleep with style – with our reusable period underwear you get 2 in 1: stylish comfort and maximum protection. Remember about the right size – it matters a lot for your comfort.
Try them, you will be surprised how bloody good they are!

Period underwear with performance.
So get out there and be yourself, knowing our high-performance reusable period underwear with a snug, but comfy fit, keeps wetness at bay all day.

Absorbent Feel Fresh Layer
High performance Breathable Layer
Up to 12 hour reliable protection Lock Layer