It's never just a period. It's so much more.
We’re so often misled, dismissed, minimised.
What we’re told to expect doesn’t match up to what it’s actually like.
If you’ve ever been surprised by your own body, if you’ve ever wished you had more
answers, if you’ve ever been told it’s “just a period”, this film’s for you.
What do you wish you'd been told?
Nobody prepares us for a life inside our bodies.
300,000 years of homo sapiens and girls STILL see blood in their pants and think they’re dying?
No one gives us answers, so we spend lifetimes asking questions.
Period Pant and Pad Bundles
Buy a pair of period pants and 3 packs of pads. Manage your flow, your way, with our specially curated period pant and pad bundles.
What we're told vs. How it actually is.
We conducted an in-depth empathetic global survey to actually understand what women+ go through. The knowledge gap is staggering.
There's a huge gap between what we're taught to expect and how it actually is.
So we spend our time navigating life with a womb, without the proper knowledge. It's like watching a foreign language without subtitles. Confusing, disorientating and strange.
Why did nobody warn us? And wouldn't it have been much easier if they had?
Read how unprepared we all are for a life inside our bodies.
Our Commitments
Bodyform commits to helping all women+ live fearless, by helping to create a world that actually understands women+’s bodies.
1. MORE RESEARCH. LESS FEAR. We Help Commission Research That Centers Girls+’ Needs
2. EARLIER & BETTER PERIOD EDUCATION. We Help Girls+ Get Better Menstrual Education Before They Start
3. COMBATTING MISINFORMATION. We Help Girls+ Get Real Answers To Real Questions
A note on women+
The term women+ refers to women PLUS anyone else who has a womb or menstruates. Essity knows that not everyone who menstruates is a woman, namely those born with a different biological sex to their gender identity. The + added to those women recognises and includes the full range of underrepresented groups who use our products, such as trans and non-binary people.
Bodyform Ultra Towels
Because we understand women+ better, we design products that actually understand your body from all-night protection to comfy period pants.
Overnight period underwear
Period pants for teens
A total of 10,000 were surveyed across ten markets: France, UK, Australia, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, New Zealand, USA and Sweden. Fieldwork ran from 21st March to 5th April 2024 and was conducted by Vitreous World.